Sorry I haven’t blogged a whole lot lately, but I’ve been tied up with other stuff around the homestead this week. The weather finally cooled off enough to enable me to move the computer and big TV out of my air-conditioned “dorm room” (bedroom) that I’ve spent the last three weeks hiding in, thus I’ve spent most of the day rearranging furniture and such.
…as the Weird Al parody of Milli Vanilli’s “Blame It On The Rain” goes. I’ve also been in preparation for the “Big Dig” in my front yard next week to repair my collapsed sewer drain, which has rendered me literally without a pot to piss in. Washing dishes is no problem—I have plastic sink tubs for that, as well as for sponge bathing in—and I never used my sewer drain for laundry anyway because the floor drain is so inefficient that it floods my laundry room, so I just shoot that water out my back door. However, I’m most grateful to the person who invented the 5-gallon bucket, which serves as my temporary toilet and I’ve gotten to know the Conoco convenience store down the hill from me fairly well, which I use for #2 when the need arises. Yes, I know—too much information…
Seems that disgraced Colorado minister Ted Haggard is having money problems. Y‘all remember him, doncha? He‘s the one who was outed for being gay, then later claimed he was cured and is now "100% heteroseks-shul" again following intensive counseling and rehab. Well, seems that he and his wife are in the poor house and are asking their supporters for some financial assistance during this difficult time in their lives while they continue their Bible studies for the next two years or so. I may be stating the blatantly obvious here, but I don’t suppose it ever occurred to this fucker or his little wifey to actually go out and get a real job, did it? This is what kills me about these so-called religious “leaders”—their sense of entitlement, especially when it comes to money. Fuck you, Rev.—get your sorry ass out and earn a living like the rest of us for once!
“Superstition”--STEVIE WONDER (1973) “Very superstitious--ladder’s ‘bout to fall.” Dopey 8-year-old me thought he sang, “Lettuce ‘bout to fall." I always thought he sang “Superstition IS the way” instead of “ain’t” too. Even dopier 8-year-old me didn't know that Stevie was blind when I first saw him on TV in 1973, so I thought he was merely being arrogant by constantly tossing his head around like he's prone to do. I suppose I could make a joke like "I hope Stevie doesn't read this," here, but I won't...
“I know I piss a lot of people off when I say this, but I don’t like old people on a Rock ‘N’ Roll included.”—Grace Slick, Jefferson Airplane/Starship on VH-1’s “Behind The Music”.
Have to admit that I was taken aback just a little the first time I heard Grace’s words on VH-1 a few years ago, but as time wears on, I’m beginning to see what she meant by that statement. It really hit home with me last week at my hotel in Minnesota while watching some PBS show late at night featuring recent performances by mostly British Invasion acts, and it was downright sad how silly some of them looked singing these songs from 40 some-odd years ago like the elderly (original, I'm assuming) lead singer of The Troggs trying to groove to “Wild Thing” like he was still in his ‘20s. Eric Burdon of The Animals now resembles little more to me than Paulie from the Rocky movies. Ever look at the guys in Pink Floyd during recent concert videos? No small wonder they rely so heavily on lazers and visual effects because they look like a bunch of old farts, especially David Gilmour. True, there are still some bands that can still bring it even at their advanced ages, like the Stones, The Who (before Entwistle died, anyway) and Kiss (in whose case, the wigs and make-up can hide a multitude of sins), but it’s becoming painfully obvious that Rock ‘N’ Roll is not aging gracefully at all.

Seems odd for a band like Van Halen who now wants to pretend it’s 1984 all over again, to be busy trying to erase former bassist Michael Anthony from everyone’s collective memories by removing his songwriting credits from the 1984 album in the ASCAP database, among other things. Mikey, to his credit, is taking the high road in all this. Read all about it here.