Let's get the dumb stuff out of the way first—I don't get the point of these two big chunks they took out of the upper deck. Ostensibly, they're supposed to be gathering spots for people to stand around and watch the game from, but was it really worth wiping out several hundred seats for?
I always wanted to see the famed fountains up close, and now we can!
New statuary has been added at the "K" since my last visit. This would be the late Dick Howser...

...and Royals' Hall of Famer Frank White, who was a member of the original construction crew for then-Royals Stadium in the offseason back in the early '70s.
Now THAT'S a Hi-Def TV!
True to form, the Royals lost when I attended one of their games, but I was quite pleased to see that what was once the coolest stadium in Major League Baseball still is!
And across the parking lot, work continues on The 'Head. Hope it turns out just as nice as its beisbol counterpart...