Thursday, January 4, 2007

Way to go, Bayou Bengals!

The L.S.U. Tigers football team made a friend for life in me last night by beating Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl in Nawleans.  They not only beat the Failing Irish, they stomped them "like a drag queen at a tractor pull" [Dr. Niles Crane, "Frasier"], 41-14!  For those of you who aren’t aware, there are few things in this world I despise more than the Notre Dame football team.  They rank right up there (down there?) with Bill O’Reilly, reality TV shows, Osama bin Laden, liver and onions, white supremacists, Kid Rock, broccoli, Rev. Fred Phelps, and diarrhea on my all-time shit list (pun intended).  It’s the ONE thing that my old man and I see eye-to-eye on—we both abhor this vaunted sports institution and their "we’re better than everyone so we deserve special treatment" attitude.  I’d sooner root for the New York (gulp!) Yankees than root for this (as Obi-Wan would say) "wretched hive of scum and villainy".  Thus, yesterday was elevated to "A.G.D." status for me—Automatic Good Day.  This means I could have been in a bad car wreck and lost a limb or two or my house could have burned to the ground or you could have stepped on my blue suede shoes and it STILL would have been a good day because Notre Dame lost a football game!  It’s just a shame that L.S.U. isn’t called the Beavers because I loved the headline in the paper a couple years back when Oregon State took out N.D. in a bowl game: "Beavers Humiliate the Fighting Irish".  I still have it taped to my desk, in fact.  Yes, I’m totally deranged about this, but I don’t care…